الجمعة 2025-03-07 05:33 ص

بالصور… حوت مفتول العضلات في كندا!

10:26 ص

الوكيل الاخباري - نشرت صحيفة “مترو” البريطانية صورا لحوت نادر يتميز بشكله الغريب عن باقي حيتان العادية في نهر كانينجهام بجزيرة سومرست ـ كندا.

اضافة اعلان

وقالت الصحيفة: “ان المصور ديفيد ميرون التقط صورا رائعة قلما تلتقط لهذا النوع من الحيتان، وظهر الحوت في الصور ابيض اللون ومفتول العضل ولا يشبه الحيتان العادية إطلاقا.

PIC BY DAVID MERRON/CATERS NEWS (Pictured: Beluga whale finds love) - These are the incredible snaps of a buff beluga whale showing off his amazing toned beach body. The muscular whale looks pretty smug as he flexes in the water, displaying an impressive ripped six-pack. The brawny beluga found himself surrounded by a swarm of fawning females  but he only had eyes for one whale, who was clearly impressed by his show-boating as they cuddled up together. The amazing pictures were caught on camera by photographer David Merron, at the Cunningham River in Somerset Island, Canada. SEE CATERS COPY

PIC BY DAVID MERRON/CATERS NEWS (Pictured: Beluga whale showing his abs to the females to impress them) - These are the incredible snaps of a buff beluga whale showing off his amazing toned beach body. The muscular whale looks pretty smug as he flexes in the water, displaying an impressive ripped six-pack. The brawny beluga found himself surrounded by a swarm of fawning females  but he only had eyes for one whale, who was clearly impressed by his show-boating as they cuddled up together. The amazing pictures were caught on camera by photographer David Merron, at the Cunningham River in Somerset Island, Canada. SEE CATERS COPY


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